Fathers Forever volunteers are second to none. At each event, we have a core of committed individuals who are willing and able to fulfill the needs of Fathers Forever.
We are truly grateful and appreciative of our super volunteers. Interested in being a volunteer for Fathers Forever? Please tell us how you wish to volunteer your services by emailing us at A Fathers Forever representative will contact you after we receive your information
F.O.C.U.S. COACH [For On-going Counseling Unified Support]
Our FOCUS Coaches/Mentors are also second to NONE! They are community volunteers who volunteer their time and provide support to our Fathers Forever participants. They help them stay focused on what is important (the well-being of their children) and assist them with things or situations that might cripple their success in being a successful co-parent.
Glen Warren
Jay Nolfo
Theresa Jones
Ursula Tatro